
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

R4 - Development activities report:

Possibilities of using the IT system to assess the competences of the Deaf students of vocational schools:

Możliwości wykorzystania systemu IT do oceny kompetencji Głuchych uczniów szkół zawodowych

Possibilities of using the IT system to assess the competences 
of the Deaf students of vocational schools

[Polish sign language] Possibilities of using the IT system to assess the competences of the Deaf students of vocational schools

App Guide

Kompleksowa ocena poziomu kompetencji uczniów wybranych kierunków kształcenia w szkołach technicznych – przewodnik po aplikacji:

[ENG] Film instruktażowy dla administratorów:

Primary research:

Summary of research conducted within the project. Basic analyses.

Summary of quantitative research conducted within the project. Advanced analyses.

Go4VocationalSkills. Qualitative research – second round

Secondary research:

Analysis of secondary sources concerning standards of competencies.

Description of project results:

The main result of the project is a: Comprehensive competency assessment tool for students training in the following professions: construction technician, logistics technician, and renewable energy technician. This tool integrates various outcomes, the most important of which are: 

  1. Competency profiles for selected professions and job positions (a total of 15, with 5 for each field of study) [Result 1].
  2. Competency tests for the specified fields of study (test questions for each type of competency, randomly selected by the system when creating a test for a potential user, 20 questions per competency type, totaling 360 – three types of professional competencies for each of the three fields of study and nine universal competencies common to all fields: 3 x 3 x 20 + 9 x 20 = 360) [Result 2].
  3. A digital tool for the automatic assessment of competency levels and their alignment with competency profiles [Result 3].
  4. Guidelines for interpreting competency test results, including sample development actions and potential funding opportunities [Result 4].
Additionally, an extra Result 5 has been developed Possibilities for using the IT system to assess the competencies of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in vocational schools

The idea for this result emerged during the testing phase with a group of deaf students from a special education center in Wrocław. The way deaf individuals perceive competencies, especially soft skills, requires a unique approach. This additional result serves as a preliminary step toward addressing competency assessment challenges for specific target groups. It extends beyond the project's original scope.

The development of this Comprehensive competency assessment tool has helped eliminate the issue of assessing students' competencies holistically, as it enables continuous monitoring of both soft and hard skills. With such a tool, vocational education institutions can better prepare graduates for the labor market, increasing their attractiveness to future students. Teachers can focus on identified competency gaps, while students gain a realistic assessment of their employment prospects. The use of multidimensional comparative analysis methods allows for graphical presentation of results, making them easy to interpret. 

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